
Showing posts from 2006

This is an email I sent to a US Congressman.

Hmmm what should the Democrats do when in power

It's National Novel Writing Month.

What is this blog about? Few care to ask. I try to answer

Battlefield 2 Bug I'm dealing with.

I'm going. You should too.

I'm bored with war

News Monday.

Editing is everything


Danielson is coming to Modified in Phoenix you have less than 24 hours to decide.

My inertia is su inertia

Georgetown has a new professor

Children of Iraq put down your weapon.

Speaking truth to power is awesome. Try it. But not at work that is nuts yeah I'm talking to you BEERANOM!!!

I am your MTV

Arizona No Vacancy T-Shirt thing.

George W. Bush: Decider-in-Chief

Resurrection Monday

Thanks Easta Bunny

Babyboomers need simple phones

Dizzy Spells

Crazy crazy places to visit on the Internet.

An Iraq Report Card for George W. Bush

Senator Sketch ball

I'm going to build a new computer system, with help.

So a climber with an exoskeleton goes up a mountain with a disabled woman

I am trying to add a feature here....

Operation Iraqi Freedom is 1111 days old today

Robot fighting is the sport of the future

State of the blog.

An intermittent blogger brings you up to speed.

I just saw this happen. WTF

Bush lost Haiti

Causal spelling frees my mind

2006 so far so good.....An update I'm going for TiVo