This is an email I sent to a US Congressman.

This was right after the Virginia Congressman sent a letter to his constituents complaining that we shouldn't allow a Muslim to be sworn in with his hand on the book of his choosing. Virgil Goode is a loser. I'm a little bugged out by some of the stuff I'm seeing in Virginia. Nasty pockets of dumb. Every state has em.

Read the fucking Constitution shit-head.
The Government doesn't pick the religion for it's citizens.
I hate you.
This is hate mail.
Feel hated.


A natural born American Citizen from Arizona.

P. S.
The following is a synopsis of a conversation between the two of us should we ever meet.

Q: What Part of Freedom don't you understand.

A: The part where you get to choose your own adventure.

I hope your narrow world view collapses on you and that your insurance rates go up because you are a risky investment.


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