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Things that have gotten worse

Twitter serves as my go-to platform for breaking news, insightful analysis, and updates on my state legislature. I value fact-based reporting, thoughtful analysis, and even visual glimpses of the legislative proceedings shared on Twitter. However, it's disheartening to witness Elon Musk's relentless efforts to undermine the credibility of factual reporting. While I once admired his endeavors to make electric cars more accessible and popular and his innovative work at SpaceX, I'm now repulsed by his actions in the realm of information dissemination. I find myself constantly contemplating his motivations. From my perspective, Musk has transformed from a marketing exaggerator to a full-fledged propagandist, utilizing similar techniques as Trump and Putin. He doesn't value an information space that fosters trustworthiness because it would hold him accountable in areas where he has vulnerabilities. The well-documented instances of racism within his companies are conveniently

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