My experience as a listener......Of Music in 2019

The music in 2019 is strong. Earlier this summer I asked some friends for suggestions and they did not disappoint. Then later in the summer a trusted friend Bevin told me she gave over to the algorithm (spotify suggestions) and it was good.  So I gave up my apprehensions and let my ears be my guide. Suffice to say 2019 has been very good to my ears. Rediscovering Phoenix's local music scene was particularly satisfying.
Nanami Ozone from Arizona!

Diiv (pronounced dive) are back with an earworm that works as second job as an arrow launched from recovery against one of the very many villians in the opiate crisis.  The sackler family. What's the dollar value of the repurchased reputation that Zachary Cole Smith can wipe off of the Sackler family wealth ledger?  Well done Diiv.

Speaking of well placed arrows. Stella Donnelly is prolific and never misses.

I just discovered this band.  They sing in French and sound like Interpol in some ways which is very good.

Froth is a suggestion from Lindsay Cates from Stinkweeds records.  I have listened to this song more than any other this summer.  I love this band. a2 on repeat forever.

Jack Morris wunderkind

Tacocat! from the Northwest. Earcandy of the highest quality.

From Philadelphia Mannequin Pussy won me over.  I root for this band.

Still from Arizona.  I can't believe how rad they sound.  I want to meet this band.

Lianne La Havas | Forget 

This is from 2012 but it's totally new to me suggested by Ryan Taverna from N.C. who has impeccable taste.


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