It's National Novel Writing Month.

Nanorhymo. Is what they call it. Would it be too ambitious; to go from not blogging at all, save for you tube videos, to writing an entire novel? I guess I'd have to write a thousand words a day. That would be interesting. Oh well. O.K.

So readers what do you think of the videos I've been posting? I am afraid to like Mew, but I do.

Also If you are reading this now the election has probably already taken place. I have a lot of hope/fear going into this election. The problems we are beginning to have in this country are awesomely humongous. I hope we are up to the task of dealing with them rationally. My vote is to pull the Donkey Lever. And I'm proud.
Go Janet. Go Harry. Go Jim Webb you hard as nails bad ass. You speak f#%ing Vietnamese. Rock on. And if John Kerry had an effect on the electorate he would have won the last election............................................................................... Lackluster since almost forever. Maybe I'll go write a novel.


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