Things that have gotten worse

Twitter serves as my go-to platform for breaking news, insightful analysis, and updates on my state legislature. I value fact-based reporting, thoughtful analysis, and even visual glimpses of the legislative proceedings shared on Twitter. However, it's disheartening to witness Elon Musk's relentless efforts to undermine the credibility of factual reporting. While I once admired his endeavors to make electric cars more accessible and popular and his innovative work at SpaceX, I'm now repulsed by his actions in the realm of information dissemination. I find myself constantly contemplating his motivations.

From my perspective, Musk has transformed from a marketing exaggerator to a full-fledged propagandist, utilizing similar techniques as Trump and Putin. He doesn't value an information space that fosters trustworthiness because it would hold him accountable in areas where he has vulnerabilities. The well-documented instances of racism within his companies are conveniently dismissed by him, as he flips the narrative and blames a so-called "woke mind virus" for what he perceives as a flawed perspective. I'm not suggesting that Musk hates black people, as I don't possess enough knowledge to make that judgment. However, it's evident that he despises being held responsible for his company's track record on race.

Despite his claims of being a "free speech absolutist" over the years, Musk has never truly adhered to that principle and has actively deplatformed journalists who report factual information about his actions. When the Turkish ruler demanded the removal of his political opponents on the eve of Turkish elections, Musk promptly complied. The Twitter of old would have put up more resistance.

In the past year, I've found a more positive experience on Reddit. However, recently, I've noticed a significant decline in its quality. Every day, I receive follow notifications from bots promoting pornography, which is incredibly annoying. While I didn't fully comprehend the Reddit blackout, it clearly upset large portions of the Reddit community. As it turns out, the CEO of Reddit has drawn inspiration from Musk's cost-cutting practices at Twitter, resulting in similar actions. Reddit has often been referred to as "the wild west," but that's an overly generous description. In reality, it has become a complete mess, aside from a few well-moderated communities. Thoughtful moderation is essential for social media platforms to prevent them from descending into breeding grounds for disinformation, bullying, and hatred.

A recurring theme I observe is the presence of ultra-privileged tech individuals who disdain history and possess worldviews rooted entirely in their own insecurities. Sam Bankman-Fried once boasted about never reading books, claiming that if something were important, it would have been condensed into a blog post. This arrogance stemming from ignorance is a rampant mind virus infecting the culture of these influential men who dictate the quality (or lack thereof) on the social networks we inhabit today.

Fortunately, these men's self-importance often leads to their downfall. Tesla, once revered as one of the strongest brands globally, has become one of the most despised. Meanwhile, the automotive industry eagerly embraces full-scale electric production, presenting an opportunity for those seeking to escape the informational toxins Musk spews. In 20 years, Tesla's dominance will likely fade, and its significance will diminish.

Despite the concerted efforts of those with significant economic power, my confidence in our ability to combat this onslaught of misinformation remains steadfast. However, they cannot escape the consequences of their actions. Similar to the policies enacted by the Republican Party over the past five decades, such as trickle-down economics, education defunding, and prioritizing the financial sector, these approaches have proven to be disastrous for the average American. Although they urge us to ignore the evidence before our own eyes, the facts speak for themselves. We are currently facing an unprecedented onslaught from those who disregard the well-being of the middle class. Yet, we are also closer than ever in the past fifty years to redirecting our country towards a more thoughtful, healthier government that focuses on solving real problems for real people.


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