I'm bored with war

War is fascinating if horrid. For the moment though I am too full of the wars that are going on. They no longer interest me they just wear me out. They have depressing turns, few if any real victories and I keep wondering if they are just the embers glowing in the dark of a greater conflagration that is sure to follow. Like how are the Iranians going to feel when the current crisis is over. The Israelis have called Hezbollah the best Arab fighters they've ever come up against. To me that is the beginning of a generational shift that strengthens them. I asked my brother today if this really did feel like the birth pangs of a new democratic middle east. He said it is the ugliest of babies. I feel so weak a Hezbollah baby could attack and kill me without breaking a sweat. Baby sweat. The only real way to win against this type of thing is to raise a mass army of college football rejects and flood the war zones. Are we ready as a nation to make this kind of commitment. What do you think. We should just surrender to
