What is this blog about? Few care to ask. I try to answer
My mom ever so subtly pointed out the incoherence of my blog today. I plead no contest. I am at once intermittent and pointless. Sorry for that. I just want to entertain myself really. It's all about the links. Follow the links. For tomorrow they will probably be dead.
This blog has a constituency of one: George W. Bush. I always wanted to have something in common with the Vice President. Imagine to the the trusted advisor. The man in the shadow dropping the bomboid into the ear of the president at a crucial time to tip the balance of history.

I mean, last summer when I was begging anyone who could still crawl to come to Modified and see Dungen. Think of what that could have done if the President had gone down there and grooved out to Swedish Psychfolkrock. It could have been the Acid trip never taken for GW. Opportunity knocks only so often. Sad really.
But I digress. Here are my top six fears right now George are you listening?!
1. Hezbollah future hybrid terrorist-army seriously if they are the future we're screwed
2. Unmanned donkeys used by said hybrid terrorist-army
3. Low credit or just a credit virgin
4. Joe Leibermanator never dies just keeps coming not from the future though
5. AOL she sells searches by the seashore
6. Lindsay Lohan in Iraq something could happen
This blog has a constituency of one: George W. Bush. I always wanted to have something in common with the Vice President. Imagine to the the trusted advisor. The man in the shadow dropping the bomboid into the ear of the president at a crucial time to tip the balance of history.

I mean, last summer when I was begging anyone who could still crawl to come to Modified and see Dungen. Think of what that could have done if the President had gone down there and grooved out to Swedish Psychfolkrock. It could have been the Acid trip never taken for GW. Opportunity knocks only so often. Sad really.
But I digress. Here are my top six fears right now George are you listening?!
1. Hezbollah future hybrid terrorist-army seriously if they are the future we're screwed
2. Unmanned donkeys used by said hybrid terrorist-army
3. Low credit or just a credit virgin
4. Joe Leibermanator never dies just keeps coming not from the future though
5. AOL she sells searches by the seashore
6. Lindsay Lohan in Iraq something could happen