The only reason I am writing this is because I have a headache

Blogging is weird. Because if you care enough to blog eventually you'll decide that quality counts. I have tried my best at this blog to avoid anything resembling high quality. I use it mainly to store photos and other media that I can access when I am with friends or whatever. But then this wonderfully efficient program called Google Reader came out and basically increases by a large amount the volume of news sites and blogger leavings I can chekc out and share.
So that impulse is satiated and the blog becomes more of a place to express ones self than to just take not of other peoples work. So getting to work I am now committing to putting in more personal factual information. I am going to interpret the meaning of that over time in terms of depth and volume. Moving forward into this new way of blogging my impulse is to keep it simple. So here goes
Today I went to work clocking in twelve minutes late. I have had overtime for the last two weeks and that is not encouraged an my place of business. I ate lunch at Chipotle. It was very hot and the thermomoter in regestered 112 and I guess it's going to be like this for a while. After work I came home took a picture of my roommates chemical burn. Do not ask where. And I can not post the picture. Wouldn't be right. Then I talked to him about his situation and gave him a ride down to the seen of the crime.
I looked for places to go on vacation and tried to come up with a strange but satasfying theme for a trip. I came up wth a Hatfield McCoy fued tour, a beltway sniper tour and then ran out of steme on homocidal themes. There is a narrow gauge railroad in Southwest Colorado that seems like it would be pretty rad. I dunno. I am sure that our trip will go better than the one depicted below.

the hatfield mccoy trip would have to end in los angeles while eating ribs at a taping of family feud, because according to wikipedia that was where the families really made peace.