Easy like Monday Morning

My Mondays are just like my Sundays so my Monday is easy like Sunday Morning. I am referring to the Lionel Ritchie song don't ya know.
King Fahd Bin Abdul Aziz died.
Sufjan Stevens plays tonight across Tempe Town Lake at the wonderful Marquee Theater.
John Bolton got a recess appointment to the U.N. He's going to have a hard time being a jerk when nobody listens to him. As no one has put much faith in the U.N. since the 1990's this nomination will only give impetus to those transnational organizations that seek to have global influence. These organizations are going to be needed to fill the gaps that the end of the Cold War left in international relations. The fact that Al quaeda is a transnational organization with the goal of global influence should give us all pause. Maybe we should all be asking ourselves what transnational non-governmental organizations am I supporting? Who knew that globalization meant that we'd have to actually choose sides just like when Earth was a simple bipolar world.