I don't love the fact that the most arrogant Republican administration since
Andrew Johnson's have totally subverted the image of Republican military infallibility. But it is now a fact of contemporary life. If you want the national budget balanced and the wars to go as planned don't ever again look to a conservitave Christian Republican with something to prove. It turns out they, unlike the American military, dont learn on the job. Don't forget that Donald Rumsfield and his cadre thought of themselves as the grownups taking over after the Clinton administration. Heck at the time I kind of thought it may have been true. The last five years have been pretty illuminating in this department.
Bill Moyer, 73, wears a "Bullshit Protector" flap over his ear while President George W. Bush, on screen at rear, addresses the Veterans of Foreign Wars at their 106th convention Monday, Aug. 22, 2005, in Salt Lake City. Moyer served in Korea and Vietnam, and in the post- WWII occupation of Germany.