How to use this blog

This is my blog and it is imperfect. It takes a long time to load and there are things in weird places. For example right now there is a Music video in the upper right corner that should have been a normal post that would sunset to the bottom of the page as I keep posting. But I have grown to like the video and will allow it to stay there until I do not.

If you scroll down far enough you will reach the pitchfork playlist player. It will start automatically once you pass it. Unless you want to listen to music for a long while you may want to pause it. Otherwise the sound of it will interfere with any of the many other clips with sound you may choose to play.

I subscribe to the point of view that a picture is worth a thousand words. So every time you see a picture tell yourself, "that's a thousand words, what could they be"?

If there is a link click on it. If there is a video watch it. If there are lyrics sing along as best you can. Interact. You'll get more out of it.

Thanks for commenting too.


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