Senator Sketch ball

The wonderful state of Arizona has two Senators one good one bad.
Neither of my Senators is actually from Arizona. John McCain was born down range in Coco Solo with his father Jack serving the Republic as a Navy commander. Jon Kyl was born in Nebraska. Exciting Nebraska a virtual Petri dish of international relations expertise. Where he became more than ready to engage the Arabs and the Chinese and the Russians on issues of mutual concern like corn and football. Don't get me wrong Nebraska has very cool people but my senator is not one of them. He's not quite fascist but he has an undertone of not-so-goodness.
After getting elected in 1994 the rest of the wingnuts he worked is way up to Chairmanshp of the Republican Policy Committeewhich is so awesome. So many awesome policies. Mostly stuff like trying to update tired ideas that scare people instead of really doing something about global terrorism. But sincerely I think I'd rather deport Mr. Kly to the authorities of Nebraska than the guy whose slaving away working for my Republican neighbor.
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He sits on the Judiciary committee. He is right there in the dome of power and I don't really know what he's done for Arizona.
So I guess don't have much use for him. Jon Kyl = Part of the Problem. John McCain = Part of the Solution. Hopefully we can get rid of him in November but there is an 90% re-election rate in the Senate so you know how that goes.