Operation Iraqi Freedom is 1111 days old today

The Picture above was probably on taken April third or fourth 2006.
I'm trying to be Fair and Balanced about this. It's hard though man I'm tellin you.
The good news is that Americans are dying in slightly lower numbers. The bad news is that authors of the grand strategy that the war was undertaken to fulfill are still at the wheel and will be for a while. We are seeing the Military leadership whose backbone is becoming more evident as Donald Rumsfeld and his civilian cohorts deflate under the crushing weight of the facts on the ground in Iraq. The textbook counter insurgency strategy undertaken in Tal-Afar have worked. The Strategy known as clear, hold, build was even trumpeted by the President in the last few weeks. What he didn't mention was that the government that he runs is about to stop providing money for rebuilding. What commitment. What backbone. What a fucking cheapskate. At every opportunity this administration fails to execute on even it's stated goals. We're at the point where if they even try the record shows that their sure to fail. Their new goal should be to create instability in the Middle East hopefully the trend would continue and stability would blossom in the Middle East.