2005 Sucked. There I said it.

In the interest of keeping it real I think we should all acknowledge that if 2006 resembles any of the last five we're getting into pretty bad times. To be sure some great art was produced and technology hummed along pretty good making daily life less boring. For that I credit mobile audio and video getting so easy. Art wise we saw the end of a wonderful TV series Six Feet Under. For me it was impossible to identify a little bit with Nate. It will be missed. Further into the world of all things creative for me there was a re-energizing of the local music scene. That scene consisting of no more then about ten people or so at any one time. But I'm talking quality not quantaty. The Threads and Tom Bernard's nascent Huge rock project. On a non-local music level my top few are M.I.A.: Arluar, Sleater Kinney the Woods Dungen, The New Pornographers: Twin Cinema , The Evens: self titled , Sufjan Stevens: Illinois and Spoon Gimme Fiction.
But that was the Good. 2005 had a horrific debut. The number count as the scope of the devastation from the Tsunami that wreaked destruction from Africa to Thailand. That was bad. But it had the illusory effect of making the Iraq war seem acceptable but it remained in 2005 a bloody mess. Then Katrina hit and proved that the Federal Government's disaster relief ability had been severely eroded since it was unwisely folded into the Department of Homeland Security. The people of the Gulf Coast have suffered terribly under this President and each of them are like living breathing reminders of what happens when the people in power fail to take care of the people. My guess is that they will have a pretty long memory about this.
2006 can not help but to be better. Some of these chickens we've seen in this great land are big and fat, very fat and they are coming home to roost. Yeah, Yeah that's right Kenney Boy I'm talking to you. But more importantly this year we are going to see the emergence of an Iraqi government that for better or worse is responsible for the security. And it'll be time for us to start backing off.
Also I know that I am anything but a good catholic and I almost shouldn't comment but the new Pope scares the shit out of me. Anybody with me on this one?