Something interesting just happened today in the vicinity of LAX
Today a guy told me about this plane that had landing gear problems and then had a fiery landing at LAX. The coverage had him glued to his radio. I remember the feeling of listening to the Paine Stewart plane go all uav across the country. They were saying the plane had a sudden decompression just after the pilots pointed it toward the Midwest and told it to climb. So all across the country this hot jet was "dolphining" across the country trying to set that particular planes high altitude record. But that ramble has nothing to do with the fact that I kinda knew how he felt listening to an airplane drama unfolding live on TV /radio news. So that's kinda old hat now but what is definitely new is that the people on the plane who all by the way had the good taste and fly jet blue where all of the seats have TV and video games. So the people on the plane all become avid cable news fans. They see themselves on the little screen and I am as sure as heck that made them feel kind of cool for people who were otherwise possibly up shit creek sans paddle.
It reminds me of a question I asked of a B-1 bomber pilot I met under his plane at Luke Air Force base during the annual Luke days. But I asked him if when he was on bombing runs was he able to see his own plane from above in real time. He refused to answer. That was probably close to ten years ago. I wonder what they can do these days.
The rank is corporal and i'm not proud to say that I spent the time to earn it playing the funnest wargame ever conceived known as Battlefield 2 . My grandfather Rex told me that is the best rank in the marines because you didn't have to shovel shit but your head wasn't important enough to roll when that time came either.
The image from google earth is a three dimensional image of Osama Bin Laden's last known whereabouts according to last weeks New York Times Magazine. It stretches from Jalalabad to an old border lookout post called Parachinar, Pakistan. The Yellow line in the image is the Afghanistan Pakistan boder. In this area one can enter Afghanistan from Pakistan from the North or south. That's not so tough why couldn't a few dozen Special Forces Soldiers secure all those 12 and 13 thousand foot mountan passes. No problemo.
It reminds me of a question I asked of a B-1 bomber pilot I met under his plane at Luke Air Force base during the annual Luke days. But I asked him if when he was on bombing runs was he able to see his own plane from above in real time. He refused to answer. That was probably close to ten years ago. I wonder what they can do these days.
The rank is corporal and i'm not proud to say that I spent the time to earn it playing the funnest wargame ever conceived known as Battlefield 2 . My grandfather Rex told me that is the best rank in the marines because you didn't have to shovel shit but your head wasn't important enough to roll when that time came either.
