News Monday.

Good things and old news.
In the good things department.
Pitchforkmedia has re-introduced one of my favorite features; the sanctioned mix. They did a handful of volumes in the past of songs that rocked-it undeniably and would fit neatly onto one CDR. So they've gone to 1.4 hours according to itunes but it's not the size that matters here no suree. What matters is that for 1.4 hours you can put on a mix that is almost completely guaranteed to inspire you to blow out that match and not forget to turn off the gas coming from the oven because baby you've got a reason to live. Music is my master. Always has been. I submit to its power. So right now I'm listening to the mix and have already discovered a couple of bands that are excellent. Meho Plaza and Voxtrot for example. Mission of Burma is old but the are rocking like they just busted out of detention. How is that possible?

Grover Norquist is losing his mojo. Boo fucking hoo you miserable lump of bad policy ideas. You can check his wikipedia article here. But the long and short of has him fronting for Americans for Tax Reform and he compared taxes to the holocaust and you know he was loving that starve the beast vibe that Incurious George has been rocking since he got into office. How did he feel when FEMA shit the bed during Katrina? Don't know, don't care. He funneled money to "Casino" Jack Abramoff and is a dick. 'Nuff said.

Ken Lay died. Lucky Bastard. His former secretary of a widow will probably have a rough time spending the rest of the booty. Aspen July 5 right before civil society showed up. Medical experts say that if you are a dick and you get sent to jail because of that then you heart my stop working. So stay heart smart and don't rob people of their retirement money.

Al-Zarqawi got his lungs blown out in Iraq. He lived long enough so that he knew we knew he knew who punched his ticket. He looks so cuddly in death.
A more complete roundup of the stuff that happened last week can be found here in perpetuity.