
I went to the lake and it was great. Saguaro lake that is. I tried wakeboarding and again I found that it's easy to get up but once you are there it's tough to do much other than stay up.
I kicked out a roomate. This really shouldn't be a place for dirty laundry but you should know that this particular roomate has gotten very fussy about the validity of the utility bills lately. This is coenciding with his checking account being shut down for some reason that I'm sure he finds suspect. But I got to say anyone petty enough to dispute a sub $8.00 portion of the gas bill is a fuckng waste of space in my book. Straw that broke the camel's back you could say.
But the thinning of the herd has been the imputis for some late spring cleaning and mowing and edging and mopping. All in an attempt to get somebody in here. If you have someone and it's pre July 1'st give me a shout.