State of the blog.

I should just admit that this blog totally blows. I admit it. There are something like 100,000 new blogs a day. This one is not in the top 15 million blogs. It is on the blog academic probation. It is headed for a meeting in the blog quality and quanity principals office and it's going to be uncomfortable. Accept the situation and move on.
Over the last few months there are some issues that I was going to blog about furiously.
Here are some of those topics:
Robot Elderly care, Terry Shiavo, New media (as in the way media come into our lives and the different situations that are created as a result) Old Europe, Bird flu, the new pope, Ian Mackaye, Douglass Fieth, Francis Fukuyama political philosophy roundtable, Dots (as in getting dots which is your dot matrix portrait that the Wall Street Journal makes), The divide between what the US is doing in Iraq and the military we have are are still spending for, Janet Napalatano, my videogame obsession, my lack of social life, my TiVo series 2 and how hooking it up to the home network is hours of fun, the weird state of music ie the Fiery Furnaces and Danielson tripy, the rapidly melting polar ice cap, the hippopotamus in the Congo named Usama Bin Ladin, Those hybrid rollerskate sneakers the (little) kids are sporting, what kind of computer I am going to buy, the price of tea in china and the situation in the Sudan.
Something that has been on my mind: Most really cool interactive websites use Flash. The use of Flash on a website makes it very difficult for search engines such as Google to recognize the content. So how do these cool websites work there way up the list organically or without a major advertising buy to drive traffic.
On another random note, check out these websites: